Monday, July 15, 2019


Related imageT

In the UK, lymphoma is ranked the Fifth highest cancer prevalence, in Malaysia is the Seventh highest ( reported in 2011).

Honestly, I have not seen any posters or announcements like this ,anywhere, ever.
In October 2016, when I was diagnosed ,I have 3 of the 5 mentioned above -

  •  Lump in my armpit ( which got investigated with a mammogram & dismissed as non cancerous)
  • Excessive sweating (i was 53 and it was dismissed as menopausal symptoms)
  • feeling worn-out ( i was 53, working on 2 jobs & dismissed as old & weary)
I also had gastric & black stool ( which the doctor thought was stomach ulcer, pending investigation)
& i had a distended belly ( which I thought was central obesity)

Each symptom on its own did not suggest lymphoma BUT when pieced  TOGETHER,  it pointed to 

Lymphoma   Loud & Clear.

Unfortunately, I have never seen any public poster like the one above ( have you?)


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